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  • Basic Twitter and Tweetdeck Searching

    Learn more about how to create Boolean search strings, geotargeted search strategies, and more using Twitter, Tweetdeck, Hootsuite, and other platforms


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  • Verifying and Authenticating Posts and Photos Online

    Learn how to spot deepfakes, doctored photos, and misinformation on social media using open-source intelligence gathering techniques from the pros


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  • Integrating Technology in Emergency Management Training/Exercises

    Learn how to avoid "shiny object syndrome" and integrate purposeful innovation into your training/exercises from the nation's leading Master Exercise Practitioners


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  • Can I get certified in a certain skill or obtain a credential from taking these classes?

    The short answer = not yet. This is something we are working on and expect to have live on this site sometime in 2020. Stay tuned!

  • Can I get my organization to pay for this?

    Absolutely! All you need is a company/agency credit card to get started. Since most organizations prefer to pre-pay for online learning, you may want to steer clear from our subscription pricing or month-to-month payment plan options.

  • Do you offer payment plans?

    Yes we do! For select courses you can select from a variety of payment plans and flexible payment options.

  • How can I apply to be an instructor?

    Epicenter only accepts the absolute best instructors to deliver their content and share their expertise on our site. If you'd like to apply - please share your bio, resume, and speaker/instructor credentials or experience with [email protected]

  • I want to keep learning. What other resources are available?

    Check out our other resources on the Epicenter website: www.epimetra.com/resources